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  • 1-800-273-8255

    In this piece we see how two people each have their own problems that they are dealing with. Yet, they somehow manage to run into one another’s path in life only to then help their counter along the way. As the film progresses we see facts about suicide, and how it may be easy to see for some but others are not so much.

  • Give Back "Pack" Recap

    On August 6, 2019 - various organizations from Fresno, California teamed up in order to give back to the community. It was a day filled with free food, back to school supplies, haircuts, snow cones, music and much more to help with the transition from summer to school.

  • Kocky's Bar & Grill

    If you are looking for a good time check out Kocky’s Bar & Grill located in Fresno, California.