So, who is Genevieve Garcia?

Genevieve Garcia a well-rounded content creator, with experience in managing/contributing to teams, producing, directing, and editing various media sources. Her education in communication has helped her to choose and use the most effective communication tools and strategies to promote messages, products and services.

Genevieve is fueled by her passion for telling stories through different media sources and always learning. She considers herself a “forever student”, eager to build on her academic foundations, and stay in tune with the latest trends/strategies. For if there is one thing she has learned working in media its that the industry is always changing and you can always learn more to perfect one’s craft.

Genevieve’s hunger for knowledge and determination to always strive to be better has contributed to her professional accomplishment in being able to work under PAC 12 as a production assistant. There, she was able to have hands on experience by applying what she has been taught to real life situations in live production. In addition, she was able to gain more knowledge and insight into the industry, while also meeting amazing team members along the way.

There she was told one of the most impactful statements that she strives to take with her today. The statement being: everyone has a part to play and every part of that team plays a contributing/important role. With that being said, she implements this in her own life/career by always being willing to help those around her. The reason being is because they were once in the same position as her, so she tries to be the helping hand in their journey as well.

Genevieve is currently finishing out her last (remote) semester at University of the Pacific. As she is finishing out, she is currently looking for work and is always interested in collaborations. Reach out to to connect!